Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Guidelines for use of the counseling lab

Guidelines for Use of the Counseling Lab

Please print and sign this sheet and return it to the clinical training mailbox in the 8th floor main office before accessing the lab. Any student who uses the lab before turning in this form will not be allowed to use the lab in the future.

Counseling Lab and Library Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m.- 9 p.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m.

Saturday: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Sunday: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.


1.       To obtain the Counseling Lab key: Students will obtain the key at the Library Circulation Desk. The key is located on a clip board with a signin/ signout sheet.

2.       Key must be returned immediately after your allotted time has expired. In addition, please be respectful of other students using the lab and allow for enough time to sign the key out, set up, perform your session, clean up, and return the key to the library before your allotted time has expired.  This could take up to 30 minutes, so for an hour lab session you may wish to reserve a 1.5 hour time slot.  Please do not pass the key on to the student in the next time slot.  It must be taken to the library, returned, and then checked out by the next student.

3.       There is a $50.00 fee if the key is not returned.

4.       No food or drink in the lab.

5.       Students must provide and use their own memory (SD) cards.

6.       Instructions for the use of the camera are posted inside the lab.

7.       Please turn off camera and lights when you leave.

8.       Please be sure to lock the door behind you.

9.       Sign ups for the lab will only be taken up to one month in advance.

10.   Students must complete an informed consent form, which can be found in the clinical training manual, prior to utilizing the counseling lab for any session.

11.   For any questions or concerns please contact the Graduate Assistants at counselinglabaus@gmail.com.



I have read and understand the lab guidelines.  I take full responsibility for any damages that may occur during my time in the lab.  I agree to maintain confidentiality of client information and session content as indicated in the completed client consent form.


_____________________________   _____________________________

                   Signature                                                                  Date


_____________________________   _____________________________

                   Printed Name                    Contact Email/Phone Number

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