Thursday, October 15, 2015

2015 ICA Annual Conference

2015 ICA Annual Conference
November 11,12,13.14
DoubleTree Hotel
Skokie, IL

2015 Theme:
"Courage; The Contagious Spirit of the Counselor's Lifework"
Keynote Speaker: Ross Rosenberg
The “Golden Rule” of the Helping Professions: Courage in Action

Pre-Conference Workshops and Registration

Main Conference Workshops and Registration for Attendees, & Presenters
Paper Copy of Conference information
Exhibitors sign up NOW
Exhibitor Information Page
Reserve your hotel room at the DoubleTree North Shore by October 21st.
Grad Student Volunteer form available NOW

Upcoming test dates!

Counseling Students!

The upcoming test dates are as follow:

NCE: April 16, 2016
COMPS/CPCE: December 12, 2015

The NCE registration period has closed but the COMPS period is still scheduled to open in the next few months. Check on the log to get updates on the dates!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

COMPS registration form

M.A. Counseling Comprehensive Examination

Registration Form




I, _____________________________________________,   am  in the MA Counseling Program and am registering to sit for the Comprehensive Examination on Saturday, May 2, 2015.  I have

successfully completed all of the following courses (please place a check by each course that has been completed):



                                    _____PC 6300   Professional and Ethical Issues

_____PC 6000   Counseling Theory

_____PC 6005   Maladaptive Behavior and Psychopathology

_____PC 6104   Counseling Skills I

_____PC 6025   Human Development and Learning

_____PC 6505   Group Counseling

_____PC 6521   Research and Program Evaluation

_____PC 6525   Appraisal and Assessment

_____PC 6511   Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling

_____PC 6600   Career and Lifestyle Development _____PC 6700   Couples and Family Counseling

                                     _____PC 6420/6106   Community Mental Health/Clinical Mental Health


I am in good standing and have a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or better.


Signature                                                                                                                     Date




Your email




**if all courses are not completed, you will need special permission in writing from the department chair to sit for the examination.


Forms must be returned to Dr. Jackson’s mailbox in the 8th floor office by 4:00 PM on Friday, February 20, 2015. Confirmation of the receipt of this registration will be sent to you by email.  Please watch for this email.  If you do not receive this confirmation by February 27, contact Dr. Jackson at immediately. It would be wise to make a copy of this registration for yourself.



Please bring to the exam a money order for $50 made out to: CCE.  If there is a change in the fee, you will be contacted before the exam date.



Check the Counseling Department Blog for details regarding form submission deadlines as well as the exam date, time, and room assignment.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Guidelines for use of the counseling lab

Guidelines for Use of the Counseling Lab

Please print and sign this sheet and return it to the clinical training mailbox in the 8th floor main office before accessing the lab. Any student who uses the lab before turning in this form will not be allowed to use the lab in the future.

Counseling Lab and Library Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m.- 9 p.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m.

Saturday: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Sunday: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.


1.       To obtain the Counseling Lab key: Students will obtain the key at the Library Circulation Desk. The key is located on a clip board with a signin/ signout sheet.

2.       Key must be returned immediately after your allotted time has expired. In addition, please be respectful of other students using the lab and allow for enough time to sign the key out, set up, perform your session, clean up, and return the key to the library before your allotted time has expired.  This could take up to 30 minutes, so for an hour lab session you may wish to reserve a 1.5 hour time slot.  Please do not pass the key on to the student in the next time slot.  It must be taken to the library, returned, and then checked out by the next student.

3.       There is a $50.00 fee if the key is not returned.

4.       No food or drink in the lab.

5.       Students must provide and use their own memory (SD) cards.

6.       Instructions for the use of the camera are posted inside the lab.

7.       Please turn off camera and lights when you leave.

8.       Please be sure to lock the door behind you.

9.       Sign ups for the lab will only be taken up to one month in advance.

10.   Students must complete an informed consent form, which can be found in the clinical training manual, prior to utilizing the counseling lab for any session.

11.   For any questions or concerns please contact the Graduate Assistants at



I have read and understand the lab guidelines.  I take full responsibility for any damages that may occur during my time in the lab.  I agree to maintain confidentiality of client information and session content as indicated in the completed client consent form.


_____________________________   _____________________________

                   Signature                                                                  Date


_____________________________   _____________________________

                   Printed Name                    Contact Email/Phone Number

Counseling Lab for February 2015

Hello Counseling Students!

Step-by-step Directions to
Signup, Login, and Change Lab Reservations

        1.      Copy and paste the link provided on the blog into your web browser.
                Example: The links for the month of February is below

2.      After accessing the above link, a display of timeslots will show on the screen. To reserve a slot click, on “Sign Up” NOT login.

3.      After clicking “Sign Up” you will be redirected to a page asking you to create your own login profile (or click “Sign Up” and then click “I am a sign up genious member” and login- if you are a current member). To sign up you will need to create your own profile. Provide the fields requested: Name, e-mail, and password. Remember to write your password down in a secure location because you will use this login information for all future lab sign ups.

4.      When you wish to make changes or add new reservations DO NOT click login first. Always access the provided link for the relevant month first and make changes from that page. Clicking login first will divert you to the signup genius website and away from the lab sign up—this means you will not be able to view or sign up for open slots for the counseling lab!

5.      If you wish to make changes to reserved time slots this may be done by accessing the link for the relevant month, signing in, and choosing either “edit”- “swap”- or “delete” displayed under your name of the time reservation you desire to change and/ or delete.  You can also review your reservations in “My Signups” under the “My Account” tab.  You can delete or edit signups from this section as well without accessing the calendar.